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Meet The Doctors

Dr. Nick Silveri


Ever since I was little I wanted to be a doctor of some sort. All through college I had my sites set on being a dentist. I was applying to dental schools when I decided that I didn’t want to be working in people’s mouths all day long and I wanted to do something that dealt with the entire person. After some research I decided that being a chiropractor would allow me that opportunity.

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Dr. Rob Calcaterra


When I was younger I knew that I wanted to go into healthcare, but I was not sure what area to go in to. I started with training as an EMT with the intention of becoming a paramedic, but after some work in that area I realized that it was not right for me and I would have to look into something else. It was around this time that my uncle suffered a ruptured disc in his low back which left him in agonizing pain. He started seeing a chiropractor for this and had incredible results. When you see where he started and where he was after a few visits he had made incredible improvements in his condition. After that I started doing some research on the profession and thought that it would be a great career to go in to.

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Dr. Pat Macauley


Growing up in St. Louis, I was heavily involved with sports such as basketball, baseball and soccer. It was my life, and I loved each and every minute of it. Little did I know, however, that this love for sports would have such a significant influence on the kind of work I wanted to do in the future. It took me awhile to realize this, though. When I first got to undergraduate school at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study. Thinking something in business might suit me, I chose Accounting. It didn’t take me long to realize that this was not for me, and I quickly changed majors to Exercise Science with plans to attend Physical Therapy school in the future. After moving back home after two years of school and playing soccer at Bellarmine, I decided to look into Chiropractic. I had never been adjusted before and didn’t know much about it, but I was very intrigued by what I learned while taking a tour at Logan College of Chiropractic in Chesterfield, Missouri.

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Emily Kelch

8 Weeks to Wellness Director & Functional Movement Specialist

I started college at Illinois State University for Athletic Training but quickly realized that my passion in the health field was not on the field/court with the athletes, but rather behind the scenes preparing them through strength training and helping them during recovery. I then switched my major to Exercise Science. I graduated from Illinois State University in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science.

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After graduating, I continued my education and received my Personal Trainer Certification through NSCA and my USA Weightlifting Level 1 Certification. I have worked at the RiverPlex Recreation and Wellness Center in Peoria, IL, where I was a personal trainer working 1 on 1 with a wide variety of clients and teaching small group training. Before moving to more individualized training, I was primarily was sports performance focused and worked with 50+ athletes per week. I have come to love coaching in all areas of fitness from professional athletes right down to cardiac rehab patients. Every person has their own story as to why they are improving themselves through fitness and I love to be part of it with them.

Madalyn Currie

Massage Therapist

I have always had a passion for healthcare and a heavy interest for understanding how the human body works, from that I became interested in massage therapy. I enrolled into MTI where I earned my massage therapy license. As a former athlete myself, I understand the need and benefit of regular bodywork to maintain and get back to your active lifestyle.

I have experience in Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point and sports massage. At the Springfield Wellness Center, I am dedicated to helping every person reach their fullest body potential.

Dana Homann

Massage Therapist

I came to massage later in life than most. It was supposed to be a “retirement” career but as my knowledge deepened about how muscles function and work together, I became fascinated with the concept that many conditions are muscles not functioning correctly. After graduation from the University of Spa and Massage Therapy, I made the decision to work on individuals with chronic conditions and started gathering techniques which would help the many who suffer from constant pain get relief from their condition.

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The saying goes it takes a village to raise a child, I firmly believe it takes a family of like-minded health professionals to heal those who have not been able to find answers anywhere else. Here at Springfield Wellness Center I found the family I needed. Healing the body and having quality of life is not something you find with one trip to your general doctor or a really great deep pressure massage (although that does feel fabulous!); it takes knowledge of good nutrition, exercise, having bones in the proper posture and alignment, and muscles that facilitate moving correctly. Stress, strains, adhesions, and knots impair movement and function which damage the muscles’ ability to function in a healthy manor. That is what I do – I find those issues and work them out to improve your quality of life. We have everything an individual will need to improve their quality of life and I am proud to be a part of this family.

Bianca Jones

Front Desk Manager

As a former graduate of Bradley University in Peoria, IL and someone who lives a very active lifestyle, I’m eager to serve as the new Front Desk Manager for the Springfield Wellness Center. With my love of health and fitness, I am excited to help our patients start and experience the positives of a healthy lifestyle.

My passion of health and wellness started in 2013 while working for a gym in central Illinois. From there I grew to love pushing myself in fitness and began competing in body building competitions. Working for the Springfield Wellness Center will allow me to see the start of someone’s healthy journey and the changes that are being made in their life. As the Front Desk Manager I look forward to creating a positive customer service experience for all patients.

Brook Hess

Creative Director

My husband and I moved to the Rochester area February of 2015 from St. Paul, MN. I have always been a firm believer in working for something you love and that passion for me is marketing. Marketing was my major at the University of Iowa and since then I have been fortunate enough to work with marketing teams in several different industries from electrical distribution to medical device. I like marketing so much because the game is constantly changing. From media print to local events to web presence the opportunities for reaching out to potential customers is endless!

My husband and I try to live a holistic lifestyle as much as possible because we realize the importance of great mental and physical health. I started as a patient of the center because I believe in the level of care it provides. To be a part of the Springfield Wellness Center in this capacity is something I am very thankful for.