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Meet The Doctors

Dr. Rob Calcaterra


When I was younger I knew that I wanted to go into healthcare, but I was not sure what area to go in to. I started with training as an EMT with the intention of becoming a paramedic, but after some work in that area I realized that it was not right for me and I would have to look into something else. It was around this time that my uncle suffered a ruptured disc in his low back which left him in agonizing pain. He started seeing a chiropractor for this and had incredible results. When you see where he started and where he was after a few visits he had made incredible improvements in his condition. After that I started doing some research on the profession and thought that it would be a great career to go in to.

I am originally from St. Louis and moved to Springfield in July of 2009. I did my undergraduate work at Southeast Missouri State with a Bachelors Degree in Biology. After that I moved back home and started at Logan College of Chiropractic in 2005. It was at Logan where my entire thought process towards health changed. I was raised in a very medical minded family where every little thing was a problem that I needed to go to the doctor for to get a medication to help. What I didn’t realize at first is that all you are doing in this system is covering up a symptom and not allowing your body to work the way it was designed to do. I learned how the entire of goal of health care should be focusing on prevention, not looking just at covering up the problem while the underlying cause is still present.

I always try to get adjusted every week or two to keep my body functioning properly. I play a lot of golf so maintaining range of motion is really important to me so that I do not manage to hurt myself while I’m out there. I also try to exercise at least three days a week and watch what I eat to keep myself in decent shape. I believe in taking whole food, natural supplements to give your body all of the essential nutrients it needs, some of which you do not get from diet alone, to function as best as possible.

Dr. Rob Calcaterra is currently accepting new patients. Call now to schedule an appointment!